
A penny for our thoughts? Nope. These are free. Check out our ideas on life, the universe, and all the things that human-obsessed mavericks care about.

Be a catalyst for moral change.

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / February 10, 2021 /

As we focus on our Black brothers’ and sisters’ achievements during Black History Month, I’m left to wonder why the f*ck we only spend one month—and the shortest month of the year!—talking about Black history. There’s so much we need to learn about the Black experience in the United States and about the people who…

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Turning A Splash Into A Flood

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / April 20, 2020 /

One of my “lean in” moments is to focus on the intensity of human connectedness and the responsibility we have for each other. Our lives, our livelihoods, our wellbeing are intricately tied and cannot be separated.

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Who Will Be in Room 716?

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / April 15, 2020 /

Thursday, March 19th, 2020, will be a day I’ll never forget. My team and I landed in Southern California in the midst of the most widespread pandemic our world has faced in my lifetime. After we arrived at our (not small) hotel, we discovered that our group of four people accounted for 20% of the…

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Finding Joy in the Yuck

By Shawn Nason / March 31, 2020 / Comments Off on Finding Joy in the Yuck

Thirty frickin’ more days of social distancing. Really? The other night, we learned that we were going to have to live in our new norm of social distancing and shelter-in-place for at least another thirty days. I have to admit, these were not the words that I wanted to hear. Stress is getting higher in…

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Who Will Be in Room 716?

By Shawn Nason / March 21, 2020 / Comments Off on Who Will Be in Room 716?

Thursday, March 19th, 2020, will be a day I’ll never forget. My team and I landed in Southern California in the midst of the most widespread pandemic our world has faced in my lifetime. After we arrived at our (not small) hotel, we discovered that our group of four people accounted for 20% of the…

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2016 Trends: Millennials and Corporate Social Responsibility & Social Innovation

By Shawn Nason / January 21, 2016 /

This week we took a look into another 2016 projected customer experience trend of incorporating social responsibility into a business model, highlighted by Richard Shapiro’s article in Customer Think. This particular projected trend centers on the influence of Millennials – an 86 million strong demographic (in fact the largest the US has ever experienced and who…

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