
A penny for our thoughts? Nope. These are free. Check out our ideas on life, the universe, and all the things that human-obsessed mavericks care about.

Epic Experience: There’s Not a Word Yet, For Old Friends Who’ve Just Met!

By Shawn Nason / February 17, 2024 /

Discover the profound transformation of a cancer survivor in “There’s Not a Word Yet, For Old Friends Who’ve Just Met!” – a journey of resilience, radical relationships, and the unexpected bonds formed at Camp Uncrackable. Learn how the principles of Kiss Your Dragons come to life when facing life’s toughest battles, offering a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of community support in healing.

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Our Annual Trends Report: Boosting the Possibilities for 2021

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / February 25, 2021 /

I still remember the day we got the email telling us that the in-person version of the 2021 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was cancelled. Attending this annual gathering of over 170,000 people in Las Vegas, Nevada, often billed as the most influential tech event of the year, has been a tradition of mine for almost…

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Finding a Way Forward, Together: Future-Focused Inclusion

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / August 18, 2020 /

When it comes to diversity in the workplace, the real work is only beginning, and the only way forward is together. To do so, we need to consider an area where the workforce is already diverse: age. Virtually every workplace includes people from multiple generations, but the generational mix is changing—and quickly. Within a decade,…

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Don’t think outside the (check box). Blow it up.

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / August 18, 2020 /

US companies spend $8 billion a year on diversity and inclusion initiatives—with squat to show for it. Consider the equivalent spending for a US company’s R&D budget: $8 billion dollars puts you in the top 20 of all corporate innovation spending. That’s equal to Ford’s annual budget, and more than Pfizer, Facebook, General Motors, and…

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Finding a Way Forward, Together: Future-Focused Inclusion

By Shawn Nason / August 18, 2020 / Comments Off on Finding a Way Forward, Together: Future-Focused Inclusion
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Don’t think outside the (check box). Blow it up.

By Shawn Nason / August 12, 2020 / Comments Off on Don’t think outside the (check box). Blow it up.
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Fear Is A Good Thing: The Psychology of Being Spooked

By Shawn Nason / October 30, 2019 / Comments Off on Fear Is A Good Thing: The Psychology of Being Spooked

Whether you love horror films or prefer to be scared in person at a haunted house, one thing is certain: people love to be spooked. But why do we love being scared so much?   You may be tempted to chalk up our fear-obsession to adrenaline, but there is psychology behind the drive to feel…

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Know Me, Surprise Me, Make it Easy for Me: The Power of Yes! for Cure 4 The Kids

By Shawn Nason / October 7, 2019 / Comments Off on Know Me, Surprise Me, Make it Easy for Me: The Power of Yes! for Cure 4 The Kids

At Nason Group, we bring The Power of Yes! and our empathy exercises to large healthcare companies like Walmart and Quest Labs to help them solve big business problems by asking, “How might we?”   Last weekend, we got to think through those same big issues through The Power of Candy Land.   Our founder,…

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Truth Tellers: Living Authentically in a Land of Bullshit

By Shawn Nason / October 2, 2019 / Comments Off on Truth Tellers: Living Authentically in a Land of Bullshit

What happens if you’re caught up in living the best life? You worked hard to build it: a startup, a transformative leadership role at your organization, the boss.  You sacrificed time with family and friends to get here. You put in so many extra hours. Hell, you thought you had to.   And it was…

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Notes from an ER Waiting Room

By Shawn Nason / January 25, 2019 /

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”7768″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_empty_space][vc_custom_heading text=”This week’s guest blogger is Sarah Crowell, the Nason Group’s curator of collaborative experiences.” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23f5671a” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]I’m writing from the ER waiting room. After painfully wrenching my back, I’ve been sitting here for over an hour, but that’s no surprise. There’s a man who’s been here longer than me who…

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