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Turn On, Tune In, Try Out: Three Ways Music Inspires Ingenuity

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / October 20, 2020 / Comments Off on Turn On, Tune In, Try Out: Three Ways Music Inspires Ingenuity
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Act Fast, Fail Fast, Learn Fast? Science says we learn faster when we are free to choose.

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / October 13, 2020 / Comments Off on Act Fast, Fail Fast, Learn Fast? Science says we learn faster when we are free to choose.
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Mindset 3: Embrace the Mess and Enjoy the Reward

By Shawn Nason / September 29, 2020 / Comments Off on Mindset 3: Embrace the Mess and Enjoy the Reward
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Finding a Way Forward, Together: Future-Focused Inclusion

By Shawn Nason / August 18, 2020 / Comments Off on Finding a Way Forward, Together: Future-Focused Inclusion
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Don’t think outside the (check box). Blow it up.

By Shawn Nason / August 12, 2020 / Comments Off on Don’t think outside the (check box). Blow it up.
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Patient Experience Symposium Wrap Up

By Shawn Nason / May 7, 2019 / Comments Off on Patient Experience Symposium Wrap Up

[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]We just got back from PXS @ Harvard Medical School, where we shared about the power of consumer-centered design through the lens of disruption, and we left enthused about the industry’s shift toward empathy in providing and practicing health care. The symposium is a gathering of healthcare professionals, patient advocates, practitioners, educators, thought leaders,…

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Cheers for a Disruptive 2019!

By Shawn Nason / January 9, 2019 /

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]When you think about it, hope is a disruptive word. Well, at least it can be. Often, when we hope for something, we’re looking for change and change means that we’re not particularly happy with the way things are now. In disruption-speak, it’s being sick and tired of the status quo. We asked…

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#CES2018: Consumers Want Experiences with their Technology

By Shawn Nason / January 18, 2018 /

The Story #CES2018 has come to a close and what a week it was! With over 180,000 people, 4,500 vendors, and cutting-edge technology all around, a colleague and I walked over 50,000 steps in 3.2 million square feet of exhibits. Although we didn’t encounter any breakthrough technologies this year, we enjoyed looking for trends and…

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Silos: The Trees Are Your Solution!!!

By Shawn Nason / December 6, 2016 /

Last week I shared what I believe to be three key principles a leader needs to embrace when setting forth to break down organizational silos. I would like to take this week and dig a bit deeper into this subject. For many leaders, while they understand their organization is siloed and this is stagnating their growth, finding direction can…

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Conquering Your Fear By Facing It! Part Three: Leadership Principles to Live By

By Shawn Nason / October 13, 2016 /

Years ago when I stepped into a leadership role, I never anticipated how often I would be expected to step outside of my comfort zone and face my fears. Through the years the one key lesson I’ve learned is if you do not face the fear – whatever it is – you will go right back around that mountain…

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