Find Your Purpose Today! The Narrative Of Self-Care Being Selfish Is Over!

The Story…

Imagine with me, you enter a restaurant for the first time in a city you have never been. You come from behind the fire place and there are nine men sitting at a table; the table you are getting ready to sit at yourself. You sit down and introduce yourself to each of them. All are very personable and you have great conversation throughout the meal; but there is that time when you all look at each other thinking, “Who is that man? What does he do? Where is he from? Why is he here?”  

All of these guys are from different walks of life.

A Realtor.

A Restauranteur.

A Life Coach.

A Bio-Hacker.

A Wine Maker… just to name a few.

They are all entrepreneurs. Passionate about life. Passionate about family. Passionate about learning from each other. Each one of them are on a journey. All in different spots, but a journey to be a better person! 

Well, that experience is real. It is real to me! I had the honor to travel to Vancouver and stay on Bowen Island for the weekend.  I was introduced to these incredible men through an organization called ManTalks. Connor Beaton is the founder and the one I hold responsible for wrecking my life (in a good way). We spent the whole weekend digging deep into who we are called to be as men, husbands, partners, friends, and most of all; how to be true to ourselves. I had the opportunity to connect in honesty, integrity, transparency, and loyalty, in a way that I had never done before. What’s amazing is this; they are all now brothers in my life, and I get to spend the next year on an amazing journey with them.

Over the weekend, we focused a great deal of time on PURPOSE. What does purpose mean? It’s simple…

Purpose Definition

I think all of us have thought about this at one time or another, and many of us have struggled through it; possibly even lying to ourselves on why we exist or why we were created.

What I Learned And What You Can Learn…

Where do I begin? I learned that it is OK to focus on me. To focus on what I want as a man, as a husband, as a father, as a friend. I learned that for me to be my best in each of those roles, I need to take care of my emotional, physical, and mental well-being.

One of the exercises we did through the weekend was to create a purpose documentI am still working on my SFD (those of you who have worked with me, know what this means.) It is coming along and will be a work in progress. What it HAS done is allowed me to bring focus in the right areas in my life.

There are two things I believe that you can learn from my journey. First, stay true to yourself. Be the best you and then you can be the best for all of those around you. Second, take time to breathe. Breathe in all around you. We learned a wonderful new breathing technique. If you are interested you can go here: Wim Hof Method.

What I Will Do And What You Can Do…

I have taken time already on this journey to write out goals and objectives that will allow me to live out my purpose statement. In these goals and objectives, I will focus on things that will make me better in each area of purpose. It may not always be easy, but it is what is right.

What can you do? You can take time to slow down. Write your purpose statement. Focus on the best you and begin to live it out. Take 30 minutes today to do that.

P.S.:  Take 5 minutes today and go put your feet in the grass! It’s amazing! (Adam Hart this is for you Brother!)

Feet In The Grass

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