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Reinventing Our Rituals: Why We Need to Hold On to Our Traditions—But Not Too Tightly

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / December 8, 2020 /

As the year finally—thankfully—comes to a close, I’ve been thinking a lot about all that we’ve experienced in 2020. It took me all the way back to last spring, as the first waves of the coronavirus pandemic began crashing ashore and changed pretty much everything for pretty much all of us. I remember that at that…

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Reinventing Our Rituals: Why We Need to Hold On to Our Traditions—But Not Too Tightly

By Shawn Nason / December 8, 2020 /

Rituals are part of who we are as human beings. Whether religious like Passover or secular like Thanksgiving, they help us mark time in the year and they create space for us to remember and reflect. In this year of uncertainty, we need rituals more than ever, even if the traditions we’re accustomed to can’t be replicated.

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