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Find Your Purpose Today! The Narrative Of Self-Care Being Selfish Is Over!

By Shawn Nason / October 6, 2017 /

The Story… Imagine with me, you enter a restaurant for the first time in a city you have never been. You come from behind the fire place and there are nine men sitting at a table; the table you are getting ready to sit at yourself. You sit down and introduce yourself to each of…

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To He** With Traditional Healthcare! Move Over, There Is Something Better!

By Shawn Nason / July 6, 2017 /

The Story… Well, YES, I did say it! To Hell With Traditional Healthcare! This week I am going to diverge from The Power of Yes In Innovation, to a project that I have witnessed come to life over the past couple of years. As many of you know, I spent some time as Chief Innovation Officer…

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2016 Shifts in Wellness: From Superfood and Diet Trend Hysteria to Sane Eating – Becoming a local, ethical and seasonal consumer

By Shawn Nason / August 31, 2016 /

When we think of the five essential elements of wellness – Purpose, Social, Financial, Physical and Community, we may not immediately think of social consciousness as a necessary ingredient in our pursuit of total wellbeing. However, aligned with goals for understanding our purpose, along with our social and community engagement, is the critical importance of connecting our food consumption…

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2016 Shifts in Wellness: Epigenetics – Do we have the power to turn back time?

By Shawn Nason / August 9, 2016 /

What if you, by your own hand, held the power to transform your personal health and wellness outcomes? Sounds incredulous, doesn’t it? Well, science is merging with the metaphysical in groundbreaking genetic research centered around the mind-body connection. Medical science has long been driven by the belief that ultimately, our DNA is hardwired and determines…

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