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How to Succeed in Business without Striking Oil

By Beth Roberts / February 21, 2022 /

Oil exec J. Paul Getty once said the secret to success is to rise early, work late, and strike oil. I guess that worked out pretty well for him since the Guinness Book of Records named him the

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What’s the Mark of a Great Leader? It’s the Question Mark

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / February 21, 2022 /

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, one of attorney Atticus Finch’s bedrock principles is to never, never, never on cross-examination ask a witness a question you don’t already know the answer to. Otherwise, you might get an answer you don’t want, which could wreck your case. That may be a good principle for trial…

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Putting the Social Back in Social Media

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / February 9, 2022 /

Social media isn’t always very sociable. Okay, that may not be breaking news, but I think it’s important to step back and reflect on how social media can bring out the worst in people. That’s even true on LinkedIn, which prides itself on being a place for professionals of all sorts. More than once recently,…

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Two Ears and One Mouth: How Some Simple Wisdom Can Improve Your Business

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / February 9, 2022 /

God gave you two ears and one mouth so you can listen twice as much as you talk. If you were a talker growing up, I’ll bet your parents or teachers told you something like this at least once. I may or may not have heard it much more than that! Turns out that’s really…

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