
A penny for our thoughts? Nope. These are free. Check out our ideas on life, the universe, and all the things that human-obsessed mavericks care about.

Mindset 2: Authenticity Before Action

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / September 22, 2020 /

In August, astronauts safely splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico, completing NASA’s first successful mission in partnership with a commercial space flight company, Elon Musk’s SpaceX. It was a bright spot for all of us worried about what shoe might drop next in this year of disasters. And it offered a lesson in a…

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Don’t think outside the (check box). Blow it up.

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / August 18, 2020 /

US companies spend $8 billion a year on diversity and inclusion initiatives—with squat to show for it. Consider the equivalent spending for a US company’s R&D budget: $8 billion dollars puts you in the top 20 of all corporate innovation spending. That’s equal to Ford’s annual budget, and more than Pfizer, Facebook, General Motors, and…

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Don’t think outside the (check box). Blow it up.

By Shawn Nason / August 12, 2020 / Comments Off on Don’t think outside the (check box). Blow it up.
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Blow In, Blow Up, Blow Out

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / May 6, 2020 /

Close your eyes and imagine this with me: There’s a guy on the stage playing his heart out on a piano and he’s delivering a sermon with his music. I guess you could even say he was on fire (like Jerry Lee Lewis). People in the crowd are standing up, waving their hankies in the…

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When Treating Others with Compassion is no Trick: Halloween with Empathy

By Shawn Nason / October 25, 2019 / Comments Off on When Treating Others with Compassion is no Trick: Halloween with Empathy

This Halloween, companies and individuals are demonstrating how that handing out kindness is even better than a full-size candy bar.

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That Night when a 10-Year-Old Schooled the Rest of Us about Generosity

By Shawn Nason / October 16, 2019 / Comments Off on That Night when a 10-Year-Old Schooled the Rest of Us about Generosity

In an evening where more than 1,200 people came together to raise over $150,000 for a game-changing healthcare organization, the most important number of the evening was a whopping 172.

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The Tragedy of Thomas Cook: Disrupt or Be Disrupted

By Shawn Nason / October 15, 2019 / Comments Off on The Tragedy of Thomas Cook: Disrupt or Be Disrupted

The tagline “Don’t just book it, Thomas Cook it!” became a household phrase in Europe. But even the most familiar brands must continue to disrupt–or they’ll be disrupted. What should you do to avoid leaving your customers, employees or shareholders stranded?

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Reflections From The Disruption Lounge

By Shawn Nason / December 4, 2018 /

Last week, the Nason Group joined with over 300 passionate people at the Next Generation Patient Experience (NGPX) Conference in San Diego, CA. The week was filled with powerful speakers, engaging conversations, and plenty of high-octane networking. Among other things at the event, we sponsored a disruption lounge in the exhibit hall where we invited…

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Disruption Is in the Air

By Shawn Nason / August 30, 2018 /

When the Nason Group leads a sprint (a fast-paced gathering that solves big, hairy problems in a ridiculously short amount of time), we don’t call the attendees “participants.” There’s nothing wrong with being a participant, of course, but it’s not the mindset we need people to have if they’re serious about changing the healthcare system.…

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To He** With Traditional Healthcare! Move Over, There Is Something Better!

By Shawn Nason / July 6, 2017 /

The Story… Well, YES, I did say it! To Hell With Traditional Healthcare! This week I am going to diverge from The Power of Yes In Innovation, to a project that I have witnessed come to life over the past couple of years. As many of you know, I spent some time as Chief Innovation Officer…

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