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Flipping the Script: From Scarcity to Abundance

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / May 12, 2020 /

Today, do you choose to live in fear, anxiety, and worry? Or, are you able to flip that and lean into freedom, abundance, and worth? Some days I do better than others as I walk confidently in freedom and abundance, and I claim my worth. But some days, holy sh*t, I just can’t do it.…

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Blow In, Blow Up, Blow Out

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / May 6, 2020 /

Close your eyes and imagine this with me: There’s a guy on the stage playing his heart out on a piano and he’s delivering a sermon with his music. I guess you could even say he was on fire (like Jerry Lee Lewis). People in the crowd are standing up, waving their hankies in the…

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