Empathy & Innovation: The Dynamic Duo That's Reshaping Healthcare

In This Episode

  • [02:19] Dr. Adrienne's best day in healthcare
  • [06:10] How Dr. Adrienne's experience with illness changed her perspective on finding joy in everyday moments
  • [07:31] From Neurology to Experience Management
  • [11:44] The importance of making the patient experience magical
  • [14:58] Baking humane moments into healthcare operations
  • [17:58] The evolving role of Chief Experience Officers in healthcare
  • [23:36] The importance of business acumen in the world of experience
  • [26:01] The role of maverick thinkers in healthcare.
  • [30:33] Experience as a discipline and the need for leadership support
  • [35:40] Importance of dreamers and doers in bringing about real transformation
  • [36:52] The Combustion Questions

What We Learned From Dr. Adrienne Boissy

  • Empathy plays a crucial role in healthcare, as small moments of joy and gratitude can make a big difference in patients' lives.
  • Patient experience should be redefined by infusing love and magic into every interaction, making healthcare more personal and human.
  • The role of Chief Experience Officers (CXOs) in healthcare is evolving, with a shift towards everyone being a CXO and focusing on influencing outcomes for patients.
  • Business acumen is important in healthcare, as leaders need to be maverick thinkers while also understanding their audience and speaking their language.
  • The phrase "how might we" has transformative power in healthcare, encouraging people to dream and think differently to find solutions even in challenging situations.

Notable Quotes

[18:40] "Everyone has to be a chief experience officer in the future of health care."

[26:08] - "I see healthcare as a place for the dreamers and the doers. It's a partnership made in heaven."

[27:51] - "To be a thought leader and experience work, you have to know the evidence and hopefully be producing it yourself."

[31:09] "Now is the time for leaders to step up to the plate and lead in ways they haven't led before or haven't always had the opportunity to. Seize the moment."

[36:17] "Real transformation requires you to think differently, act differently, try things, fail, and make your failure better when you move on."

Our Guest

Dr. Adrienne Boissy, a pioneering figure in healthcare experience management, holds dual roles as Qualtrics' inaugural Chief Medical Officer and practicing neurologist at Cleveland Clinic. She champions integrated patient-employee experiences driven by empathy, tech, co-design, and research, reflected in her extensive publications on humane health experiences.

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