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It’s That Simple

By Shawn Nason / January 27, 2021 /

At the end of 2020, I finally claimed an important truth: I don’t love November and December. Sure, the holiday season is great. And I certainly enjoy good food, good friends, and good times. But, even in a non-pandemic year, these months always seem more heavy than festive for me. One of my favorite social…

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It’s That Simple

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / January 27, 2021 /

At the end of 2020, I finally claimed an important truth: I don’t love November and December. Sure, the holiday season is great. And I certainly enjoy good food, good friends, and good times. But, even in a non-pandemic year, these months always seem more heavy than festive for me. One of my favorite social…

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#Humanize: What Is Your Story?

By Shawn Nason / February 28, 2020 / Comments Off on #Humanize: What Is Your Story?

This week I had the privilege of gathering for a few days with a tribe of 150 designers in Denver, CO at Experience Design Week, and got to focus on what really matters – humans! Throughout the conference, I found myself inspired by the incredible stories of designers from all kinds of different backgrounds and…

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A Game-Changing Lunch at Wendy’s

By Shawn Nason / January 30, 2019 /

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”7697″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_empty_space][vc_custom_heading text=”This week’s blog comes from Ryan Mulligan, the Nason Group’s Chief Empathizer. ” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23f5671a” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]My family eats at Wendy’s a lot. It’s one of the few places where our son, Hobbs, can actually sit through an entire meal, giving us a sense of normalcy. Hobbs has autism and wears…

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You Are Invited To My Bell Ringing Ceremony! #NoMoreChemo Party!

By Shawn Nason / May 2, 2018 /

The Story Last week, Michael and I returned to Las Vegas to work with one of our partners, Cure 4 The Kids. Over the past few months, we’ve enjoyed getting to know their team and organization as we’ve begun helping them shape their strategy for the next few years. On the first morning of our…

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Down 30 Pounds! Who Gives A Sh**? My Personal Journey To the Best Me!

By Shawn Nason / April 12, 2018 /

The Story Three months ago, I walked into my providers office to get some medicine to deal with the “junk” I had gotten after the holidays. Unbeknownst to me, it would be a visit that changed my health journey. When the nurse took my blood pressure, it was 188/102. What? My blood pressure has never…

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The Day You Realize “This Is Why I Do What I Do!”

By Shawn Nason / April 3, 2018 /

The Story It’s 6:30 a.m. and I just boarded my flight to work with one of our partners who want to disrupt the health ecosystem. Actually, they want to more than disrupt it. Like me, they want throw it out and create something meaningful for the patient, caregiver, healthcare professionals, and every human. And then…

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#CES2018: Consumers Want Experiences with their Technology

By Shawn Nason / January 18, 2018 /

The Story #CES2018 has come to a close and what a week it was! With over 180,000 people, 4,500 vendors, and cutting-edge technology all around, a colleague and I walked over 50,000 steps in 3.2 million square feet of exhibits. Although we didn’t encounter any breakthrough technologies this year, we enjoyed looking for trends and…

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#NoLimits at NGPX2017—The Power of Humanizing Care

By Shawn Nason / November 30, 2017 /

The Story Imagine with me: you are a mother, a wife, and a nurse—and you have cancer. You’re on your way to yet another medical appointment, which is now a significant part of your schedule. You walk into the doctor’s office and, without looking up, the receptionist greets you by simply saying, “leukemia!” At that moment,…

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The Power Of Your Story! When One Door Closes, A Thousand Open!

By Shawn Nason / September 22, 2017 /

Pre-Cursor: I am writing this blog from 35k feet in the air and I will be up-front that this one is a personal story and journey. I hope you can take a nugget from it. The Story… This week I have been on three flights.  I have driven several hours and have visited six different…

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