
A penny for our thoughts? Nope. These are free. Check out our ideas on life, the universe, and all the things that human-obsessed mavericks care about.

Go, Set the World On Fire!

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / November 24, 2020 /

Like most things 2020, the upcoming holiday celebrations will look different than they usually do. But the feelings of gratitude, joy, and inspiration burn brighter than ever. I considered this as we finished recording Season 3 of our new podcast, The Combustion Chronicles, which Man on Fire launched earlier this year, to spark game-changing disruption…

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Is Your Goal for 2021 Disruptive Enough? It’s Time to Dream Big

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / November 18, 2020 / Comments Off on Is Your Goal for 2021 Disruptive Enough? It’s Time to Dream Big

To succeed as disruptors, we must envision the impossible for our clients and ourselves, to ask, “How might we?” in bold, creative ways and include the question, “How might I?” 

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Is Your Goal for 2021 Disruptive Enough? It’s Time to Dream Big

By Shawn Nason / November 18, 2020 / Comments Off on Is Your Goal for 2021 Disruptive Enough? It’s Time to Dream Big

To succeed as disruptors, we must envision the impossible for our clients and ourselves, to ask, “How might we?” in bold, creative ways and include the question, “How might I?” 

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Have We Lost Our Curiosity? Here’s How To Find It

By Shawn "Man On Fire" Nason / November 3, 2020 / Comments Off on Have We Lost Our Curiosity? Here’s How To Find It

With consumer behavior and expectations shifting, curiosity is more important than ever. How do we position our minds to maintain curiosity?

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Have We Lost Our Curiosity? Here’s How To Find It

By Shawn Nason / November 3, 2020 / Comments Off on Have We Lost Our Curiosity? Here’s How To Find It

With consumer behavior and expectations shifting, curiosity is more important than ever. How do we position our minds to maintain curiosity?

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What Changes & Shapes Your Life? The POWER OF YES!

By Shawn Nason / March 15, 2018 /

THE POWER OF YES is a mantra that you’ll hear often at the Nason Group. Over the years, not only have we seen this mindset free individuals, teams, and organizations to be able to innovate, we also gotten to see this mindset change lives. In our first blog about the power of yes (No, No,…

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Even The Best Of The Best F*** It Up! It’s All In How You Recover!

By Shawn Nason / June 1, 2017 /

The Story It is 9:30 p.m. and I am standing with my family at Gate A24 in Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport. My wife, myself, and our two children (an eight-year-old and a soon to be two-year-old) are excited for our trip to Orlando and begin our Disney vacation in celebration of our son’s 2nd birthday.…

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The POWER OF YES In 2017!

By Shawn Nason / December 27, 2016 /

What I Was Doing:  My Story… Over a year ago I wrote a blog post titled, The Power of Yes In Innovation. I wrote these words: Each day I try to live the POWER OF YES–the power to give people the freedom to explore, test, and win, the power to let my children be all they want to…

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Who The He** Are We Designing For? Healthcare: The Future Is Now!

By Shawn Nason / November 1, 2016 /

What I was doing… This past week I spent three days with 70+ future forward movers and shakers in Austin, Texas. Our group, Innovation Learning Network focused on becoming Architects of Better Futures & the Rites of Passage of the 21st Century: the Ten-Year Landscape with The Institute For The Future. Then we looked at Discussing Design Without Losing…

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