The Power Of Your Story! When One Door Closes, A Thousand Open!

Pre-Cursor: I am writing this blog from 35k feet in the air and I will be up-front that this one is a personal story and journey. I hope you can take a nugget from it.

The Story…

This week I have been on three flights.  I have driven several hours and have visited six different states. WOW! That sounds like a lot! I was able to reflect on the great things in my life as well as spend some time listening to my heart. I started the week off with a great team finding their way to tell their story. We wrote break-up letters to current situations and love letters to the future (I know is sounds weird, but it was truly a IMG_8922transformational time.  Besides that, we got to listen to 80’s and 90’s love songs). During this time, my colleague and I got to see passion, excitement, and a burning desire to change the world. As the week progressed, I met more of our team and got to see the progress one of our partners had made in pushing to transform their organization. It was truly powerful and I know they are going to move mountains with their work.


Through this week, I had spent time praying and meditating to find answers to a couple of key situations in my life, career, and business. There were some decisions that were not going to be easy to make.  I needed guidance and asked for specific direction. Guess what? It happened! A door closed, but a thousand more have opened in the process! I am so grateful for that door. It taught me so much about myself, about the leader I want to be, the business owner I need to be, and the person I am! That door was powerful in my life. I am grateful for it, but it was time for it to close.

“When One Door Closes, Another Opens; But We Often Look So Long And So Regretfully Upon The Closed Door That We Do Not See The One Which Has Opened For Us.”  ~ Alexander Graham Bell

What I Learned And What You Can Learn…

Now, I am looking at some new doors and I am excited!  It is part of my story, our story, and your story! Those doors make us who we are and who we want to be. They form us, transform us, and guide us into the next chapters in our life. This is how we learn and this is how we grow.

My greatest learning in this is this:  it is alright to not always know what doors to close.  Just trust they will get closed. Also, do not force doors to open but, let the right ones fly open for you.

What I Can Do And What You Can Do…

What am I going to do? I am going to live life to the fullest. Recently, I read a three-part article series by Jonathon J. Doll titled Open Doors. I encourage you to go read them. I also you encourage each one of you to look at all the doors in your life. Ask yourself, are they the right ones? Are these the best for me? Close the ones that need closed, and run with open arms to the ones that are opening.

I hope this speaks to at least one person. If not, that is OK! It may have just been for me. As I stated, I am 35k feet in the air, and that is what I feel like in my soul right now.


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