Truth Tellers: Let’s Do This!

Let’s Do This!

Hello Truth Tellers,

Please know that I’ve been thinking about all of you a lot recently. With all the anxiety and stress caused by the current pandemic, we need each other now more than ever. I know that social distancing has taken its toll on me, and I’m sure it’s had an effect on you, too. If you need anything, always know that you can reach out and I’ll be ready to be a listening ear.

On that note, we’ve been working hard over the past few weeks to take some big steps with the Truth Tellers organization as we create a space that connects and challenges men to cut the bullsh*t and get real about how they’re living their lives.

Here are some updates:

  • Matthew Nadu has joined us full-time to serve as our community catalyst. Matthew comes with a ton of experience in men’s groups and a huge passion for connecting people. He’s looking forward to connecting with all of you ASAP. Welcome to the tribe, Matthew!
  • Knowing the importance of this movement, we’ve launched an initial strategic plan to start moving more quickly together.
  • We have a new logo to give us a fresh new look.
  • We’ve launched an improved website that’s focused on telling our story and getting people to connect with us.
  • Thanks to our Identity Formation team, we’ve drafted an initial set of We Believe statements that will unify us and help the world understand our mission.

Also, if you haven’t seen the video that we shot at our first retreat, you can watch it here. (Thanks, John Flower Productions, for making it happen!)

Lots of amazing things happening, right?

My question to you at this point is: How do you want to be involved in this movement? Please reach out to me or Matthew and let us know.

In the meantime, please take care of yourself during this difficult time. Make time to put on your own oxygen mask first before trying to stretch yourself too thin seeing to your family and your professional commitments. Go for a walk, read a book, call an old friend—just do something to focus on your emotional wellbeing so that you can be fully present for the people who need you the most!

Your Fellow Truth Teller,

Shawn Nason

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