Always Take The High Road! The Road To MBE Certification…

The Story…

Earlier this year I wrote part one of this post with “Owning Your Story! Sharing Your Story! The Power Of Your Story!  Here I shared, my personal journey and story about being a Native American and the rich heritage it brings to my life. At the end of the blog I stated:

“Personally, I will stay true to myself. I will love all of those that I come into contact with just as I love myself. I will respect all for who they are no matter where they come from. Professionally, I will embrace my heritage. I will say I am proud to be a minority owned business. And I will seek to help all of us on this journey!”

I have learned so much more since writing that post and I will address that later – but I have exciting news to share about the Nason Group. Two weeks ago, I was notified  Nason Group completed the certification process and were approved as a Certified Minority Business Enterprise with the Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council. This has been a great experience. We are very excited to see the benefits that this certification will offer as we continue our work.

What We Learned and What You Can Learn…

So, although the certification journey took a bit longer than expected, during this process I did a great deal of self-reflection and realized what I value most in life, and what we as a company value with our friends, partners, families, and team. It is pretty simple! Four Words.






These words ring true to what the Nason Group has been built on. It will continue to be built on this mantra as our team grows, as we work with new partners, but most important; as we evolve personally.

Why these four words? Why not different ones? I don’t know exactly. However, as I have attended meetings, talked with people, and heard stories all across this nation and globe; these are the words that resonate in my inner being.

Honesty! Stay true to your self. Be honest with who you are, and be honest with those around you. Even if, sometimes, it is not the easy way. Honesty will always keep you on the right journey and headed in the right direction.

Integrity! This ties right in with honesty. Be a person of your word. Go above and beyond. Always Take The High Road! Integrity will always lead you to the right place and the right people.

Transparency! When working with partners, we ask for transparency. Not only asking transparency from them but making sure that we give transparency equally. The good, the bad, and the ugly. This is the only way you are going to make progress on your journey. This rings true in relationships as well.

Loyalty! I have found out on several of my journeys in life, that this is more important to me than anything else. I will look pass many things in a relationship/partnership, but I have a hard time looking past those who have broken loyalty. A broken cup is not easily repaired and if it is; it doesn’t hold liquid the same. 

What We Can Do and What You Can Do…

Going through the certification process over the last six months has allowed me and our group to become more focused. It allowed us to spend time searching, refining, and building a strong foundation for Nason Group. The MBE certification is an honor.  Who we are now and in the future needs to live up to this honor.

So, with that said; we will try every day to live up to the four words I shared. I ask that you find what is true to you, your friends, your family, and your organization – and put a stake in the ground. Don’t waiver! Be True To Who You Are! And remember:

Always Take The High Road!


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