Why Do You Hire A Crazy Person With Passion? Innovation Is Why!

“You Hire Crazy People!”

That is my answer when I am asked how I hire people for innovation. There is so much truth to that statement (please do not be offended if you work in Innovation), but there is a part of you that has to be a little crazy to do this work no matter what industry you are in. Recently, I sat down with one of our team members, Brownrygg Woolls and shot this quick video. Enjoy!

In the video I reference a blog post I wrote entitled, A Hustler, Hacker, Storyteller, Singer and Artist Walk Into A Bar. In that blog I shared about the team I worked with at the time. Although I work with a slightly different team today the principle is still the very same. There must be DIVERSITY & DIFFERENT THOUGHTS PROCESSES on your team to make it a success. I do not allow myself to hire or partner with anyone like me (that would be very scary anyways!)

In that same session with Brownrygg, he asked another question, “As A Young Person How Do You Prepare For This Field?” Here is my response:

Passion, Passion, Passion!

Why Passion? Any person with passion will run til’ they cannot run anymore. They will dig in until they find the answer. As a leader, I remember two team members who on paper would did not look to be the right fit, but they had something about them that resonated with me. I knew they were the right fit for the job. And guess what? They were! Yes, I believe in a foundation of education with any career, but as I stated in that short video – Do Not Read A Resume! Read The Person! Read Their Passion!

“I’d Rather Lose Myself In Passion Than Lose My Passion.” ~ Jacques Mayol

So, here is my challenge to you today as a leader or team member in the world of innovation: Surround yourself with diversity. Make sure you bring in skill sets that you do not have yourself. But most important, build a team filled with passion and you can conquer anything! Go Kick some #%$ today!

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