Getting NO Out Of Your Vocabulary! The POWER OF YES In Innovation Series – Part One

“The Power of Yes In Innovation” has become a mantra of mine. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing more about what it means, how it works and it’s power to transform both people and organizations.

To get us started, please take a couple of minutes today and watch this video. I encourage you to engage in the call to actions after each one!

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The journey to “THE POWER OF YES IN INNOVATION” is a continual learning process – every week, every day, and sometimes every minute! Here are a couple of my recommendations to get you started:

GET “NO” OUT OF YOUR VOCABULARY! This word is stifling. It brings only negativity to teams, organizations, and into personal lives. You must begin to empower the leaders and associates around you to make decisions without fear of failure and try something new!

  • CALL TO ACTION: Take a risk and say, YES! Use the technique, Yes, And It will free you, your teams and the organization to fly to higher heights than you ever imagined possible.

CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT OF LEARNING! Yes, we have all heard this, but do you really do it as a leader? Do you really let your associates, teams, organizations, or leaders FAIL so they can LEARN? I’ve heard many cliche sayings over the past few years such as, “Fail Fast, Fail Forward,” “Fail Fast, Fail Cheap,” “Fail Fast, Fail Often!” What does each of these saying really mean?

I don’t know! But what I do know to be true is this: When you as a leader, as an organization, provide an engaging environment for people to learn, which sometimes includes failing, you will see your teams grow, learn, and move forward!

  • CALL TO ACTION: Find a project where you have space to learn. Do something totally different than how you would do it normally. Journal your learnings! How did it make you feel? What would you do again? What would you do differently? Then move on to your next project.

We would love to hear your thoughts on how these call to actions are helping and transforming you and your teams. Please send them to us at!

See you next week as we continue on the journey to “THE POWER OF YES IN INNOVATION!”

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