In This Episode

[02:00] Lisa on how she tells people about what she does.

[05:04] What's unique about navigating experience with customers of luxury brands.

[07:55] The 3 fundamental design principles.

[08:54] How Lisa got into this business of creating experiences. 

[11:33] How Lisa's past roles have prepared her for today.

[16:21] Lisa discusses being maverick-minded and its positive impact.

[19:52] The best advice Lisa has received about leadership.

[23:22] The Combustion Questions

what we learned from Lisa

View the world with compassion and curiosity rather than criticism.

Intern at companies and organizations that you are passionate about.

If you are young enough to be going to college, take a few courses.

As leaders, be empathetic and listen first and give direct feedback.

Notable quotes

[05:24] "I think anytime you are asking people to give up their time regardless of whether it is a luxury consumer or not, it is super important what type of experience you are delivering. No matter how much money any of us have, we can't buy more time. So, time is super valuable."

[06:25] "What I try to instill in our team is genuinely caring about every single individual. Because we are smaller, we should be able to take the time to really individualize that experience and their member journey with us."

[11:35] "Even when I didn't have a great leader, I was learning and I was always thinking if I am ever in this situation or have the privilege of leading other people, what am I going to take away from this that's the good or the bad."

Our Guest

Lisa is Chief Experience Officer at Tiger 21, the premier membership organization for high-net-worth wealth creators. She is responsible for optimizing member experience particularly along the dimensions of learning, access, and connection. She curates an integrated portfolio of high-end member programs resulting in engagement and retention. Before Tiger 21, she held leadership roles in branding, advertising and PR at luxury brands like Mercedes Benz and Ritz Carlton.

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