LuLaRoe: Will You Make It Right?

The Story…

Imagine with me, you are sitting at your desk, maybe at your dining room table, possibly even on your couch. The day has come! The biggest product launch in the company’s history. You are logged in, chatting with other team members. Your nerves are building up! The time comes and you get your lottery number. Not the best number, but you have one. You will spend the next hour waiting and wondering what product will still be available and to your surprise, NONE! This happened to my wife yesterday and many of her friends as LuLaRoe was launching the new NOIR collection (all black)! Many of these consultants had done pre-sales, had planned big launches, and nothing left! Zero! Zilch! Zip! 

I will do my best to present facts and truth in this next section. Here is what I have learned:

  • There are over 80,000+ consultants and somewhere around number 3,000, all stock was gone.
  • There were no limits put on orders, so the bigger consultant shops bought thousands of pieces, while the little shops got nothing.
  • At this point, LuLaRoe has not sent any communication out to their consultants.

So, this means that only about 3% of consultants were allowed to order anything. Some of the bigger consultants placed orders that were over $100,000 dollars.

And, the C-suite silent!

LuLaRoe Pic

What We Learned And What You Can Learn…

There are several things we have learned in this process. What I am going to share is the positive, because I refuse to give LuLaRoe anymore brain power on this.

  1. We have amazing friends, customers, and partners in this business. We have all pulled together and we will be fine!
  2. As a small business owner myself, many of these consultants are small business owners. Support small businesses whenever you can!!!
  3. No matter what you do, stay true to what you stand for. Don’t waiver. Don’t be swayed. And, never allow money to be the driving factor.
  4. If you are going to have a mission statement like the one below, be ready to make it right at all times, no matter the cost.


What We Will Do And What You Can Do…

I am always about taking the high road and giving people second chances. So we will do that; we will give LuLaRoe the chance to make it right. If you are a consumer, send messages via social media.  Let the company know how disappointed you are in this situation. If LuLaRoe is who they say they are, they will make it right.

So, I will close with this statement:

Deanne Brady, Mark Stidham, and LuLaRoe executives will you say, sorry? And, how will you make it right? 


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