The Power Of A Premium Consumer Experience

All of us have experienced it from time to time – the Power Of A Premium Consumer Experience!  Whether it is on the phone or in person, you leave that experience feeling special.

The Story…

Recently our team began working with one of our partners to lay the foundation
for this type of premium experience for their members. Two of the foundational UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_2748tools we use is ethnographic research and empathy mapping. During this process, we did live interviews, made phone calls, and created “How Might We” statements. Two of the test phone calls were to healthcare companies, and one to a service based company.

Let me say this, two of those experiences were anything but premium, and one did not let us down at all. They provided fantastic service. Now I know, you want to know the names of those companies – but I am not going to reveal them on this blog. With that said, you can probably guess which ones were which, but I will tell you, both of our calls within the healthcare industry were not only dissatisfactory but overall, unhelpful. The one in the service industry went above and beyond to not only meet our needs but exceed them.

What We Learned…

I have stated over and over again, that there is so much to learn from organizations that are service based and built around the needs of the consumer. Recently, I read an article on the 5 publixCompanies With Envy-Worthy Customer Experience. The companies are Zappos, Publix, Southwest Airlines, USAA, and Nordstrom’s. I have had personal experience with four of them, and they each focus on the consumer first on the consumer above anything else. I want to share a bit of my experience with Publix. For those of you who do not know Publix, they are a grocery store. I no longer live where there is a Publix, and miss it every day. When we travel back to where we can find one, we make it a point to shop there. Why? Because they lived by the three principles we live by here at the Nason Group.

I want to share a bit of my experience with Publix. For those of you who do not know Publix, they are a grocery store. I no longer live where there is a Publix and miss it every day. When we travel back to where we can find one, we make it a point to shop there. Why? Because they lived by the three principles we live by here at the Nason Group. They KNEW US, SURPRISED US, AND MADE IT EASY FOR US to shop there. Whether it is knowing our name or our tastes – they consistently meet our needs and make us feel like we were #1!

What We Can Do…

The Power Of A Premium Consumer Experience has no price tag to it. As the Nason Group works with partners we cannot stress this enough. Our value proposition to organizations is that we MEET PEOPLE WHERE THEY ARE AT! Invest up front to meet your consumer where they are at and it will not only bring loyalty but ultimately revenue and profits to your business. We will continue to live by this motto and encourage every one of our partners to do the same.

What You Can Do…

Take 30 minutes this week and go spend time with your consumer. Ask them 3 simple questions.

  1. What do you like about our product or service?
  2. What is one thing you would change about our product or service?
  3. How can we get to know you better?

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